Chopped Wiki
First Things Worst
Season 4, Episode 6
FTW Chefs
Air date May 11, 2010
Winner Rebecca Weitzman
Episode Guide
Mussels Mastery & Cotton Candy Can-Do
Fired Up!

When time runs out on a frantic Appetizer Round, two of the chefs are unhappy with what did not make it on to their calf liver dishes in the final moments, while one chef is upset that a little something extra accidentally did. Then in the Entrée Round, it is up to the judges to determine who fell short with the long beans and whose cuttlefish was a cut above the rest. And the two finalists devise ambitious plans for using a salty condiment and a sweet fruit in their desserts.


  • Ryan DePersio, Chef and Restaurateur, Fascino, Montclair, NJ
  • Nadege Fleurimond, Caterer, Fleurimond Catering, New York, NY
  • Paul Ripley, Food and Beverage Manager, Raritan Valley Country Club, Bridgewater, NJ
  • Rebecca Weitzman, Chef de Cuisine, 'inoteca, New York, NY




Ingredients: Gooseberries, Darjeeling Tea, Ricotta Salata, Calf's Liver


Ingredients: Cuttlefish, Long Beans, Sweet Piquanté Peppers, Bittersweet Chocolate


Ingredients: Baby Bananas, Coconut Flakes, Pumpernickel Rye, Soy Sauce



Chopped Season 4
<< Season 3Season 5 >>
#01 Rattle & Roll#08 Quahog Quandaries and Pickle Puzzles
#02 My Froggy Clementine#09 Turbot Powered
#03 Jitters & Giant Eggs#10 Keep On Cook'n On
#04 Dr. Deckle & Mr. Fried#11 Green Apps and Lamb
#05 Mussels Mastery & Cotton Candy Can-Do#12 Crunch Time
#06 First Things Worst#13 Rowdy With a Chance of Meatballs
#07 Fired Up!