Chopped Wiki
Extreme Halloween
Season 16, Episode 12
EH Chefs
Air date October 6, 2013
Winner Sharon Singleton
Episode Guide
Chopped Family Feud
A Chopped Thanksgiving

Halloween means very frightening suprises in the baskets for the chefs. In the first round, they encounter a very troublesome, bloody protein and a can of chips that's more than meets the eye. The three chefs who move on to the second round are in for something gooey and gory — and something that is just offal. The final two chefs boldly move on to a devilishly difficult dessert round.


  • Terri Wahl, Chef and Owner, Auntie Em's Kitchen, Eagle Rock, CA
  • Isaiah Frizzell, Chef and Owner, pHeast Underground Supper Club, Los Angeles, CA
  • Sharon Singleton, Caterer, Singleicious Catering, Staten Island, NY
  • John Creger, Head Chef, Gallow Green, New York, NY




Ingredients: Potato Crisps, Eel, Candy Bats, Coagulated Pig's Blood

Terri's appetizer is Grilled Pig's Blood Salad with Potato Chip Coated Eel. The salad direction is a great way to go, and potato chips work good as a coating, with a butter cracker like flavor. The skin is still on the eel and is rubbery, and there is too much of the pigs blood.

Isaiah made Pig Blood Witch's Cauldron w/ Faux Potato Chip Congee and Eel Fumet. The usage of the potato chips is extremely creative, and the fumet is a nice direction, although there is too much Ultratex in it. There is far too much pig blood.

Sharon has Pig's Blood, Bat Candy, Eel and Vegetable Noodle Bowl. Sharon's eel is silky and the best of the round. The pasta works well as a vehicle and the vegetables are a good idea. There isn't much candy, and the pig's blood is virtually non-existent. There could have been more spice.

John's dish is Brûléed Eel with Blood Chocolate Sauce & Chip Gremolata. John's eel is completely raw and inedible. The presentation is beautiful, and the combination of the blood and chocolate is smart and very creative.

In terms of concept, composition, and presentation, Chef John is head and shoulders above his competitiors. However, the raw eel he served was potentially harmful and even toxic, so he is chopped.


Ingredients: Gummy Skull, Collard Greens, Sweetbreads, Dehydrated Weaver Ant Eggs


Ingredients: Candy Blood, Deviled Eggs, Pâte Sucrée, Buffalo Chestnuts



Chopped Season 16
<< Season 15Season 17 >>
#01 Fry, Fry Again#08 Sweet Surprises
#02 Cleaver Fever#09 Break a Crab Leg!
#03 Mix and Mache#10 Walk on the Whelk Side
#04 Gyro We Go Again#11 Chopped Family Feud
#05 Big Fish, Small Basket#12 Extreme Halloween
#06 Teen Invasion#13 A Chopped Thanksgiving
#07 Mochi Obliged